No Earth Rod Required – Hassle Free Installations are here

Chances are, one of the biggest concerns you may have about your charger installation is how its going to look and how much trouble the installation is potentially going to cause.

That’s perfectly reasonable – there would be nothing worse than being told you need to have your newly mono-blocked driveway drilled into to install an earth rod!

Thankfully, due to the brand new O-PEN system, not only can your charger be installed with minimal disruption, its also a safer and more reliable option.

What is an Earth Rod?
Earth Rods, typically made of copper, are used to enhance the safety of an electrical system and are required by regulation to avoid a shock hazard that could occur if a fault develops. This rod is driven about a meter below ground to provide suitable earthing for the charger.

While effective, Earth Rods do come with their issues. As they need to be driven underground, it’s inevitable that there will be some collateral above ground during installation. There’s a need to locate all other services, such as gas and water, to avoid driving the rod through these, which can slow down the installation process. On top of that, rods can corrode and may need to be replaced over time, not to mention they’re not exactly aesthetically pleasing.

What is O-PEN?
O-PEN is a revolutionary piece of technology that meets the same regulation, without the need for an earth rod to be installed. Instead of using an earth rod, onboard technology instead continuously monitors for any system failures, and immediately isolates the power to avoid the shock risk if detcted.

Using O-PEN Chargers, you can benefit from:

  • No need to dig up driveways or surrounding areas
  • No risk of damaging services during installation
  • Quick, simple installation of your EV Chargers
  • A safer system overall!

How do I get an O-PEN Charger?
Leave that to us! We work with brands such as matt:e and Rolec to supply and install O-PEN systems. We can provide advice and guidance on the best brand to use.

Are O-PEN Chargers more expensive?
Yes, O-PEN enabled chargers have a slight additional expense of around £150 in comparison to their Earth Rod counterparts. However, many customers find this expense more than reasonable for the time and trouble saving aspects.

Remember, you can claim up to £650 towards the cost of your charger across the OZEV HomeCharge and Energy Saving Trust Grants too. We can provide guidance on these funds and even handle the paperwork for you, so don’t hesitate to get in touch

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