Charge your Electric Vehicle at Work
As the future of motoring is here, with mainstream brands now all having at least one electric model on offer, and a wide range of hybrid models – workplace EV charging is becoming increasingly in demand from employees and customers alike.
We are fully OZEV and Energy Saving Trust approved. We can supply and install up to 40 fully-funded EV charge points to your business.
EVC take care of the entire process start to finish, securing funding and planning the installation process from start to finish with minimal disruption.
The Future of Motoring is Here
The aim of the Scottish Governments Climate Plan is to phase out all diesel and petrol vehicles by 2032, 8 years ahead of the rest of the United Kingdoms target of 2040
Generate Additional Revenue Streams
Charge points installed are able to track and monitor usage, allowing you to generate and additional revenue stream.
Up to 100 fully funded workplace EV Charge Points
Claim funding for up to 40 charge points via the OZEV Workplace Scheme
Quick & Easy Installation
Installations typically take no more than a day, and can be arranged around your schedule.
What funding is available for business EV Points?
Through Government funding, you can offset the cost of up to 40 charging points.